In the last weeks we have been testing how 2d elements can be used to design a 3D space. And we got some surprises.

The creation of 3D spaces through 2D elements, is a special feature of the Analog Metaverse” setup. Using a BADABOOMBOX animation tool, it is possible to instantly create a digital object out of analog piece of paper. But how exactly does this work?
- The 2d element is placed on the light table of the box.
- By pressing the record button once, a single picture is saved.
- The code can now be placed on the ligh table.
- By pressing the upload button, the image is stored on the code.
- After positioning the code in 3D space, the image can be saved.
The process of working with 2d contributes to define a tridimensional environment gives a lot of room to work creatively. In comparison to the scanning of a 3D object, where the aim is to go for a faithful digital representation, you can experiment in many directions and end up with unexpected results.